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Proposal Timeline

Due DateAction
As soon as possible

PI contacts Health Colleges Research Services (Proposal Request Form) with intent to submit proposal and provides the following information:

• Solicitation #/URL/Pdf copy 
• PI name
• Department
• Names and Role of others involved (MPI, co-Investigators, Key Personnel, Staff, etc)
• Budget needs (personnel needs, travel, supplies, equipment, consultants, subcontracts, other)
• Due date

An HCRS Research Administrator will be assigned to work with the PI to begin budget drafts, read the RFP and discuss special needs of the project: Intellectual Property issues, Clinical Trials, CostShare, Space, Foundation, etc. PI needs to discuss costshare and other special circumstances with Department Chair/Associate Dean for Research as needed.

14 working days prior to deadlineAll final subcontract documents are due to Health Colleges Research Services (CHM Research Office.)
10 working days prior to deadlineFinal budget and budget justification are due to Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). All subcontractors, fee-for-service companies, and consultants should be named in the final budget.
5 working days prior to deadlineAll final documents to HCRS Research Admin for checking, conversion to PDF, uploading; to route the Proposal Development Document and complete the proposal package; and PI review of the proposal package. Items needed for routing: final Project Summary, final text, final references, final Budget, final Budget Justification, final Subcontract documents, final Project Title. Additional items needed for package: All letters of support, biosketch, current & pending, appendices (if allowed), etc.
3 working days prior to deadlineProposal Development Document must be completely routed. OSP reviews final package and submits in order received, and within 24 hours of receipt, if there are no errors.
DeadlineProposal submitted.

See also: MSU's Proposal Submission Deadline Policy