Due Date | Action |
As soon as possible | PI contacts Health Colleges Research Services (Proposal Request Form) with intent to submit proposal and provides the following information: • Solicitation #/URL/Pdf copy |
14 working days prior to deadline | All final subcontract documents are due to Health Colleges Research Services (CHM Research Office.) |
10 working days prior to deadline | Final budget and budget justification are due to Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). All subcontractors, fee-for-service companies, and consultants should be named in the final budget. |
5 working days prior to deadline | All final documents to HCRS Research Admin for checking, conversion to PDF, uploading; to route the Proposal Development Document and complete the proposal package; and PI review of the proposal package. Items needed for routing: final Project Summary, final text, final references, final Budget, final Budget Justification, final Subcontract documents, final Project Title. Additional items needed for package: All letters of support, biosketch, current & pending, appendices (if allowed), etc. |
3 working days prior to deadline | Proposal Development Document must be completely routed. OSP reviews final package and submits in order received, and within 24 hours of receipt, if there are no errors. |
Deadline | Proposal submitted. |